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Prof. Jean-Marc Engasser

Jean-Marc Engasser

Jean-Marc Engasser is the founder and manager of BioProcess Digital. As Professor at the ENSAIA Engineering School of Nancy, he developed undergraduate and graduate courses in bioprocess engineering and pioneered the use of digital resources. His research interests are the modeling and design of enzymatic, microbial and animal cells culture bioreactors. He coordinated several national and international research program and contributed to a wide range of R&D projects with the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Prof. Isabelle Chevalot


Isabelle Chevalot is Professor of biochemical engineering at the ENSAIA School of Agronomy and Food Industry. She teaches undergraduates courses in bioprocess engineering and advanced graduate courses in enzymatic bioreactors and animal cells culture technology. Within the Laboratory of Reactions and Chemical Engineering of Nancy, her research interests are the development of enzymatic bioconversion processes, specially for acylation reactions, and of animal cell culture processes.

Prof. Latifa Chebil


Latifa Chebil is Associate Professor of biochemical and food engineering at the ENSAIA School of Agronomy and Food Industry. She teaches undergraduates courses in bioprocess and food engineering and a graduate course on Life Cycle Assessment applied to bioproducts. Within the Laboratory of Reactions and Chemical Engineering of Nancy, her research interests are focused on multiscale modeling approaches for bioprocesses

Capture d’écran 2020-05-24 à 19.23.40 co
Nancy, France
© 2024 BioProcess Digital, Inc
Online courses
Introduction to bioprocess design, scale-up and simulation
Bioprocess engineering basic principles
Introduction to microbial fermentation processes
Simulation, scale-up, and optimal operation of microbial fermentors
Introduction to enzymatic bioconversion processes
Simulation, scale-up, and optimization of soluble and immobilized enzyme 
Introduction to animal cells culture processes
Simulation, scale-up, and optimal operation of suspended and adherent animal cells bioreactors
Design, scale-up, and cost evaluation of recombinant proteins production

Bioprocess design and cost evaluation
Introduction to bioprocess Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Assessment of bioprocesses and byproducts
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